
Reports from China

1. Dalian University

1. WiSe 15/16, Public Health, Master

2. Dalian Maritime University

1. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 2. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 3. WiSe 16/17, BWL,
4. WiSe 16/17, BWL

3. Macau University of Science and Technology

1. WS17/18, BWL, 2. WS17/18, BWL, 3. WS17/18, BWL, 4. WS17/18, BWL,
5. WS17/18, BWL, 6. WS17/18, BWL, 7. WS17/18, BWL,
1. SoSe 2017, BWL, 2. SoSe 2017, BWL, 3. WS 16/17, BWL, 4. WS 16/17, BWL,
5. WS 16/17, WiWi, 6. WS 16/17, BWL, 7. WS 16/17, BWL, 8. WS 16/17, BWL


4. Jiao Tong University
1. WS 17/18, Produktionstech., 2. WS 17/18, Produktionstech., 3. WS 16/17, Politik,
4. WS 16/17, Sozialpolitik, 5. WS 16/17, Sozialpolitik, 6. WS 15/16?, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

5. Tongji University
1. WS 16/17, BWL, 1. WS 15/16, Digitale Medien

6. Universit?t Shanghai
SILC Business School
1. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieruwesen, 2. WS 17/18, BWL, 3. SoSe 2017, BWL,
4. WS 16/17, Wirtschaftsing., 5. WS, 16/17, Wirtschaftsing., 6. WS 16/17, BWL,
7. WS 16/17, BWL, 8. WS 16/17, BWL, 9. WS 16/17, BWL
Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce, Shanghai University
1. WS 17/18, BWL

Konfuzius Institut - Summercamp 2016 an der Capital Normal University in Peking

Bericht 1, Bericht 2, Bericht 3


Reports from India

NGO Sai Baba Sansthan, Delhi

Juli-August 2016, Psychologie, Praktikum

Indian Institutes of Technology, Kharagpur

1. WS 16/17, Mathematik

RCC Institute of information Technology, Kolkata

1. WS 14/15, Digitale Medien

Reports from Indonesia

Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar

1. WiSe 15/16, Forschung auf der Insel Lombok, ISATEC

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman in Purwokerto

1. WiSe 15/16, Forschung für Masterarbeit, ISATEC

Coral Eye Station, Bangka Island, Nord-Sulawesi

1. WiSe 16/17, Biologie, Praktikum

Reports from Japan

Hosei University, Tokyo
WS 2019/20, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Zwischenbericht

Hokkaido University, Sapporo
1. WS 2018/19, HUSTEP-Programm
2. 10.08. - 04.09.2018, Hokkaido Summer Institute, Mathematik
3. Hochschuljahr 17/18, Kunst, Medien, ?sthetische Bildung

Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange – HICE, Shizuoka

1. WiSe 16/17, KuWi, Praktikum

Reports from Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar - CLUB Coworking

1. SoSe 2017, Transkulturelle Studien, Feldforschung

Reports from South Korea

1. Chung-Ang University, Seoul

1. WS 17/18, Integrierte Europastudien/Politik, 2. SoSe 2017, Soziologie

2. Kyung Hee University, Seoul

1. WS 17/18, BWL, 2. WiSe 15/16?, BWL, Master, 3. SoSe 2015, Wirtschaftswissenschaften

mizy - Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange

WiSe 15/16, Kulturwissenschaft, Praktikum?

Reports from Taiwan

1. National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipeh

1. WS 17/18, Politik, 2. WiSe 16/17, Mathematik, 2. WiSe 15/16, Politik

2. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

1. WS 17/18, BWL

Reports from Thailand

King Mongkutt’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok

1. WiSe16/17, Digit. Medien, 2. Hochschuljahr 16/17, Digi. Med. 3. WiSe 15/16, Digit. Medien,
4. WiSe 15/16, Digit. Medien

King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok

1. SoSe 2016?, Praktikum am Institut Col-DEM

Siam University in Bangkok

1. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Core see in Chaloklum Bay, Nordküste Koh Phangan

SoSe 2016, Ecology, Praktikum

Reports from Vietnam

Vietnamese-German University in Ho Chi Minh Stadt

1. WS 17/18, BWL, 2. WS 17/18, BWL, 3. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 4. WiSe 16/17, BWL

Macau University of Science & Technology
Macau University of Science & Technology
Volcano Sakurajima, Japan
Volcano Sakurajima, Japan
Kyung Hee University, Global Campus, South Korea
Kyung Hee University, Global Campus
 Taipeh by night, Taiwan
Night market in Taipeh, Taiwan
Ho Chi Minh town
Ho Chi Minh Town
Ho Chi Minh Town
Ho Chi Minh Town
 asian food