Before Departure

To-Do List Before Departure

 1.   Cancel rental agreement (keep in mind that it may need to be cancelled three months in advance)
 2.   Cancel all other contracts (e.g. mobile service plan, membership in any clubs or societies)
 3.   Get ECTS course certificates signed
 4.   ERASMUS: Contact departmental coordinator about Transcript of Records
 5.   ERASMUS: Get "Certificate of Stay"/"Duration Sheet" signed at the International Office
 6.   De-register at the registry office (BSU)
 7.   Cancel bank account
 8.   Return Mensa card
 9.   Return all borrowed media and the library card
10.   Return keys to landlord
11.   Cancel statutory health insurance (if applicable)

ECTS Course Certificate

If the home university requires a certificate for the courses taken at the University of Bremen, international exchange students should prepare an ECTS course certificate for each course.
The ECTS course certificates can be found here.
Fill out one form for each course taken and get it signed and sealed by the lecturer/professor of each course at the end of the semester. Without the signature and stamp/seal from the faculty, the forms are not valid.

Erasmus students should then hand the ECTS course certificates to their Departmental Erasmus coordinator who will prepare your Transcript of Records (see below).

Transcript of Records

Before their departure, Erasmus exchange students should get their Transcript of Records.
The document will be issued by the Departmental Erasmus Coordinators at the faculties. It can be prepared on Mobility Online after uploading the Learning Agreement and the ECTS course certificates.
Further information about the Transcript of Records and how to create it will be sent via email to all ERASMUS exchange students a few weeks before the end of the lecture period.

International exchange students from other programs should contact their home university or their faculty / cooperation coordinator if they need a Transcript of Records.

Extension of Stay

If students want to expand their stay at the University of Bremen, they need to:

  1. Contact the exchange coordinator at their home university
  2. Contact the exchange student coordinator at the University of Bremen (ERASMUS / other programs)
  3. If both universities accept the extension: contact the International Office (Erasmus students: incomingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, exchange students (not Erasmus):


Before leaving Bremen exchange students have to de-register their residence at their municipal office ("Bürgeramt") in Bremen.

Required documents for the de-registration:

- signed "Abmeldeformular"?
- Copy of passport or ID

Please send both documents to the "BürgerServiceCenter-Mitte", email bscmitteprotect me ?!buergeramt.bremenprotect me ?!.de .
In your email please indicate the mailing address where the stamped proof of de-registration shall be sent to. De-registration confirmations are sent by post only, not by email.

You can also send the copies of the documents to the "BürgerServiceCenter Mitte" by post.

Cancel Statutory Health Insurance (If Applicable)

If you got a German statutory health insurance for students for the enrollment, you should cancel your membership before your departure. You have to submit the following documents to the health insurance company:

- Proof of withdrawal from studies (has to be applied for in "moin")
- Certificate of de-registration (BSU or "BürgerServiceCenter Mitte" see above)
- Flight ticket