Samuel Xavier recently graduated from the University of Bremen with a master’s degree in secondary school teaching and educational sciences. Especially as part of his bachelor’s and master’s thesis he has dealt with socially relevant topics from the field of intercultural pedagogy, which focus on diversity, awareness, and integration.
Voluntary Commitment to the Topic of Integration
In addition to his studies, he organized various voluntary events on the subject of integration in Germany and abroad, took part in artistic and musical initiatives, and actively supported schoolchildren and students in the context of advisory and support services.
The award ceremony took place on December 4, 2018. The DAAD prize is awarded every year by the Vice President International and Diversity, Professor Eva Feichtner, and the International Office at a festive Christmas jamboree. The event pays tribute to members and cooperation partners of the university who have actively and enthusiastically participated in the internationalization of the university.
Additional Information:
Dr. Jutta Paal
International Office
Tel.: +49 421-218-60363
E-Mail: jutta.paalprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de