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DAAD Prize for Jody Danard

The French doctoral candidate Jody Danard has been awarded this year's DAAD Prize for her outstanding academic achievements and her special social commitment. The award comes with prize money of 1,000 euros.

She was nominated by Karen Struve, a professor of Francophone Romance Studies: Literature at the University of Bremen. “In my opinion, Jody Danard's local community involvement and global vision make her an excellent candidate for this award,” she said, explaining her nomination. The DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements by international students at German universities is awarded annually by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It is intended to help put faces to the large numbers of international students at German universities and to connect them with stories.

Jody Danard was born in Nantes (France) and has been a doctoral student at the University of Bremen since 2022, where she is pursuing a doctorate in Francophone literature on identity and alterity narratives of Quebec and autochthonous contemporary literatures from the imaginary of the North. Prior to this, she completed a teaching degree for the subjects English and Romance studies at the Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel.

Volunteering to Promote Interculturality in Europe and Francophone Literature

In addition to her studies and doctorate, Jody Danard has volunteered in various capacities. During her studies in Kiel, she spent three years working for the association “Europa macht Schule” (Europe Makes Schools). There she led projects at several schools on topics related to France and the Francophone world and also served as a mentor for foreign European students.

In Bremen, she is involved in various outreach activities organized by faculty 10 to make the joy of reading and literature more widely accessible. Among other things, she organized and hosted an event on the Austro-Canadian author Monique Bosco at the globale° 2022 literature festival.

“The DAAD Prize highlights the importance of international students in their role as a bridge between Germany and the world – this is invaluable, especially in an increasingly complex and tense global context. I am delighted that this year's DAAD Prize goes to Jody Danard. Her commitment to intercultural exchange in Europe is an outstanding example of this,” said Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity.


Further Information:



Erika St?ver
International degrees & International student services
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60366
Email: erika.stoeverprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


[Translate to English:]
Jody Danard was born in Nantes (France) and has been a doctoral student at the University of Bremen since 2022, where she is pursuing a doctorate in Francophone literature.