The distinction was presented recently in the frame of the traditional graduation and Christmas party of the International Office at the University of Bremen – the Christmas Jamboree. In his laudation, Professor Marko Rohlfs fom the Faculty of Biology/Chemistry states: “What makes Prachi Dadhich suitable for this award is her character and her scientific dedication.” The 23-year-old is an outstanding early-career researcher. In the frame of her master’s thesis, the student of the international master’s program in ecology is working on the problem of insect pests that are infesting several types of fruit in Africa. Moreover, since her bachelor’s degree, she has regularly been publishing her work on other ecological topics in scientific online magazines.
“Prachi Dadhich Is a Bridge Builder”
Prachi Dadhich is a very committed voluntary worker in the Indian Students Association in Bremen. For example, the student supports students from her home country who have begun to study at the University of Bremen. “This work is extremely important so that people settle well in Bremen and feel happy here,” according to Rohlfs. “Prachi Dadhich is a bridge builder.”
The DAAD Prize
Shortly before Christmas each year, the DAAD Prize is presented by the vice president international & diversity, Professor Eva Feichtner, and the International Office in the frame of a festive Christmas jamboree. The prize money is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The event honors members and cooperation partners of the university who have actively and enthusiastically participated in the internationalization of the university.
Further Information:
Dr. Jutta Paal
International Office
Phone: +49 421 218-60363
Email: jutta.paalprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de