Dr. phil. Inke Du Bois (Lektorin)
Sprachwissenschaft Englisch
Dr. phil. Inke Du Bois
Büro: GW 2, A 3.490
Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-68187
Sprechzeiten: Nach Vereinbarung per Email
Email: duboisprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Degree Abschlüsse:
2001 | M.A. in English Linguistics, San Francisco State University |
2008 | Dr. phil. Applied Linguistics, Universit?t Hamburg |
Curriculum Vitae (kurz):
Ab 9/2024 | Adjunct Professor Internationales und kulturelles Management, MBA Hochschule Fresenius |
8/2023-4/2024 | Projektmanagement Antidiskriminierungstag Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Uni Bremen |
Seit 2008 | Universit?tslektorin für Englische Linguistik |
WS 2016/17-SS 2018 | Vertretungsprofessorin für Englische Sprache der Gegenwart, Universit?t Potsdam |
WS 2010/11-WS 2011/12 | Vertretungsprofessorin für Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universit?t Bremen |
WS 2009/10-SS 2010 | Vertretungsprofessorin für Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universit?t Vechta |
2005-2007 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fremdsprachenzentrum der Universit?t Bremen (Aufgabenbereiche: Lehrmittelentwicklung, Tandemkoordination, Evaluation von Lernsoftware, Tagungsorganisation, Konzeption Weiterbildungsstudiengang) |
2000-2009 | Trainerin/ Lektorin für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Diversity Management für Universit?ten in Deutschland |
Lehre Sommersemester 2024
- Multimodal Digital Communication
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of English
- Empirical Methods in Linguistics
- Linguistic Perspectives on Intercultural Communication
Wintersemester 2022/2023
- 10-76-1-Basismodul B-02 Introduction to English Linguistics 1
- 10-76-3-D1-06 Sociolinguistics
- 10-76-3-WD1-08 Linguistics and Culture: Applied Studies
- 10-76-3-WD1-09 Theories and Methods in Anthropological Linguistics
- 10-M80-1-OrMo-05 Lecture Series: Studying English-Speaking Cultures - Topics, Theories and Methods (in englischer Sprache)
- 10-M80-1-OrMo-08 Linguistic Perspectives on Intercultural Communication
Sommersemester 2022
- Ringvorlesung: Sportkommunikation: Sprache, Medien, Kultur
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of the
- English Speaking World
- Language and Social Justice
- Linguistic Features of Inequality in New Zealand and Europe (MA)
- Discourse Approaches to Language and Gender
Wintersemester 2021/2022
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Language, Culture and Gender (MA)
- Prestige and Stigma of Accents in New Zealand, the US and Europe (MA)
- Variational Pragmatics
- Linguistic Humor in Digital Media: Covid-19 Memes across age, gender and languages
Sommersemester 2021 (Hybrid and online)
- Ringvorlesung: Sportkommunikation: Sprache, Medien, Kultur
- Multimodal Interaction
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of the
- English Speaking World
Wintersemester 2020/2021 (online)
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Language and Ideology in New Zealand and the US
- Ringvorlesung for MA students: studying English-Speaking
- African American and Chicano English: Linguistics and Social Justice
- African American Sing Out Workshop
- Linguistic Experiments
- Humor and Linguistics: Age, gender and the pandemic
Sommersemester 2020 (online)
- Kolloqium Bachelor Arbeit
- Multimodal Interaction
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of the English Speaking World
WiSe 2019/2020
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Key Topics in Linguistics: Linguistic Methods for Socio-Critical Reading: Society and Gender
- Lecture Series: Studying English-Speaking Cultures - Topics, Theories and Methods
SoSe 2019
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of the English
- Language Intercultural Pragmatics (MA ESC Program)
WiSe 2018/2019
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Key Topics in Linguistics: Sociolinguistics
- Key Topics in Linguistics: Language and Identity in Migration contexts
WiSe 2017/2018
- Key Topics in Linguistics: Language in Migration Contexts
- Introduction to English Linguistics
- Key Topics in Linguistics: Multimodal Communication
SoSe 2017
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of English
- Ringvorlesung: Language and Gender
SoSe 2016
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of English
- Language and Gender
- Sprachwissenschaftliche Begleitveranstaltung für BachelorkanditatInnen
WiSe 2015/2016
- Colloquium: Begleitveranstaltung Sprachwissenschaft
- Seminar: Sociolinguistics
- Seminar: Methods in Gender and Language Research
- Seminar: Semantic Theory
SoSe 2015
- Colloquium: Begleitveranstaltung Sprachwissenschaft
- Seminar: Introduction to English Linguistics
- Seminar: Key Topics in Linguistics: The pragmatics of English around the world
WS 2014/2015
- Semantics
- Sociolinguistics
- Introduction to Linguistics I
SoSe 2013
- Gender and Language
- Sociolinguistics
- Introduction to Linguistics II: Empirical Methods in Linguistics
WS 2012/2013
- Introduction to English Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Gender and Discourse
SoSe 2012
- Constructions of Difference
- Introduction to Linguistics II: Empirical Methods in Linguistics
- Sprachwissenschaftliche Begleitveranstaltung für BachelorkanditatInnen
WS 2011/2012
- Contemporary Semantic Theory
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Empirical Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality
- Media Talk and Multimodality
SoSe 2011
- Syntax
- Empirical Methods in Linguistics
- BA Begleitveranstaltung
- Theories and Methods in Language, Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Key Moments in the History of the English Speaking World
WS 2010/2011
- Sociolinguistics
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Semantics
- Language and the Media
- Language and Gender
- Gender and Language
- Multimodal Interaction
- Intercultural Communication
- Language in Migration
- Contexts Multilingualism
- Language in the Media
- Varieties of English
- Humor in Digital Communication
- Linguistic Discrimination of Dialects and Accents
- Language and Media Production
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Discourse Analysis
- Intercultural Communication
- Anti-discrimination
Du Bois, I. (Im Erscheinen): Address Forms in Multimodal Digital Humor. Special Issue: Address Terms in a Globalized World: Pragmatics
Du Bois, I. (Eingereicht 2024): Sex and Age Differences in Digital Humor about Covid-19 across varieties, gender, generations and national languages. Frontiers in Communication. Multimodal Communication
Du Bois, I. (im Erscheinen) Zwischen linguistischer Diskriminierung und Gender‐Dichotomien im urbanen Kontext – das neue Kiezdeutsch postmigrantischer Frauen. (Un‐)Doing linguistic and cultural difference.
Du Bois, I. (2021): Language-based discrimination in a German city: apartment search with Turkish, American and German names and accents. The Pragmatics of Accents. Pragmatics and Beyond Series, Benjamins. doi: https://doi.org/10.1558/jld.39973
DuBois, I. (2019): Linguistic Profiling across neighborhoods: apartment search with German, Turkish and US-American names and accents. Journal of Language and Discrimination. Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Baumgarten, N., I. Du Bois & V. Gill (2019): Patterns of Othering Minority Groups in Telephone Gatekeeping Encounters On the UK property Market. Journal of Language and Discrimination. Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Du Bois, I. (in prep): Real estate agents' refusals in the British and German Housing Telephone Encounters. Journal of intercultural Pragmatics
Du Bois, I. (2015): Linguistic Profiling: How Turkish, US American and German Accents Influence Apartment Viewing Appointments. Boundaries and Bridges: the Dynamics of Urban Diversity. Conference Proceedings of the 7th GISFOH Symposium, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.
Du Bois, I. & Opfermann, C (2015): Conference Report. Revisiting Participation: Language and Bodies in Interaction. Basel, June, 24-26, 2015. Gespr?chsforschung- Online Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion (eingereicht).
Du Bois, I. (2013): Chicano English und Kiez-Sprache. Sprachvielfalt und Sprachwandel? In: Metzler Gabriele (ed.) Repr?sentationsformen des Anderen. Berlin: Campus Verlag (2013).
Du Bois, I. (2013): "New Developments in Multilingual Research" In: Du Bois, I. & Baumgarten, Nicole (Hrsg.) Multilingual identities: New global perspectives on immigrant discourse. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (2013).
Du Bois, I. (2012): "And then I had to hold my first Referat on Beethoven as a politischer Mensch. On language loss and social identity of US American immigrants" In: Du Bois, Inke & Baumgarten, Nicole (Eds.) Multilingual identities: New global perspectives on immigrant discourse. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (2013).
Baumgarten, N. & Du Bois, I. (2012): "Code-switching as appraisal resource in talking about third parties" In: Jekat, S. & Hohenstein, C (Eds). Linguistic Online (51: 1/2012), Special Issue: Respect and the 3rd Person in a Multilingual Perspective
Du Bois, I. (2011): “Teaching the Standard Language to Speakers of Minority Varieties: the Case of African American Vernacular and Kanak Sprak” In: Elsner, D. & Wildemann, A. (Hrsg.) Sprachen lehren-Sprachen lernen. Perspektiven für die Lehrerbildung in Europa. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.
Du Bois, I. (2010): "Language Attrition and Code-switching as Markers of Intercultural Identity of American Immigrants" In Anthonissen, C. & van der Walt, C. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPIL) PLUS, 39: 1-16. Click here.
Du Bois, I. (2009): "'Wir bleiben Kanzlerin-We are pregnant' ? Semantic, Grammatical and Pragmatic Aspects of Pronoun Deixis in Multilingual Discourse" In Gerhard, C. (Hrsg.) Saarland Working Papers in Linguistics. SWPL 3: 21-34.
Du Bois, I. (2009): "Structural Constraints on Intramorphological Codeswitching and Implications on Cultural Identities of German Immigrants" in Cornillie B., Lambert J., Swiggers P. (Hrsg.). Linguistic Identities, Language Shift and Language Policy in Europe. Leuven - Paris - Walpole: Peeters. Orbis Supplementa, 33: 27-43. Click here.
Du Bois, I. & N. Baumgarten. (2008): " ‘It was my life. I was single. I had a job.' Die Konstruktion professioneller Identit?t im Migrationskontext. US amerikanische Expatriates in Deutschland" In Erfurt, J. & Amelina, M. (Hrsg.) Bildungseliten, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit. Osnabrücker Beitr?ge zur Sprachtheorie, 75: 43-62.