Dr. phil. Joanna Pfingsthorn (Senior Researcher)
Researcher für das Arbeitsgebiet Fremdsprachendidaktik Englisch (Schwerpunkt Inklusion)
Dr. phil. Joanna Pfingsthorn
Office: GW 2, A 3.755
Telephone: 0421 218-68174
Office hours lecture-free period:
- March 6, 2025: 11 - 12h
- March 20, 2025: 11 - 12h

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn has been a (senior) researcher at the department of Foreign Language Education at the University of Bremen since 2019. Her main research interest is inclusive education in foreign language teaching. From 2007-2019 she worked as a lecturer and research associate at the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Oldenburg, where she trained prospective EFL teachers. She holds a PhD in Foreign Language Education from the University of Oldenburg, a M.Sc. in Cognitive Science from the University of Amsterdam and B.A. in Psychology from Jacobs University Bremen.
Recent peer-reviewed articles
Pfingsthorn, Joanna, Ditze, Stephan-Alexander, Giesler, Tim, and Press, Alexander. ?Virtual extensions of German EFL textbook representations of culture: cultural schemas and categories of heritage and migration seen through the Hololens.“ Cultural Linguistics in English Language Teaching, edited by Minoo Alemi and Zia Tajeddin. Springer (accepted).
- Gómez-Parra, María-Elena & Pfingsthorn, Joanna: Teacher – Culture – Pluri: An International Initiative to Develop Open Educational Resources for Pluralistic Teaching in FL Teacher Education. English as an International Language Education. Criticial Intercultural Literacy Perspectives, edited by Ahmed Sahlane & Rosalind Pritchard, 2023, pp 177-19, Springer.
- Weltgen, Julia, Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Hegemann-Fonger, Heike: Sprachlos?! - Kommunikative Kompetenzen im digitalen Englischunterricht w?hrend der Corona-Pandemie/Speechless?! - Development Possibilities of Communicative Competences in Digital English Classes during the Corona Pandemic. QfI - Qualifizierung für Inklusion, 2023, 5 (2).
- Muszynska, Barbara, Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Giesler, Tim: The Role of Online Learning Environments in the Enhancement of Language Learners’ Intercultural Competence: A Scoping Review of Studies Published between 2015 and 2022. Languages, 2023, 8(3), 211
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "Inclusive Communicative Language Teaching: Hidden Contradictions and Overt Practical Issues". The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL. Diversity and Representation in the ELT Classroom, 2022, 22, 11(2), 177-204.
- Rovai, Ana & Pfingsthorn, Joanna. “Good Foreign Language Teachers Pay Attention to Heterogeneity”: Conceptualizations of Differentiation and Effective Teaching Practice in Inclusive EFL Classrooms by German Pre-Service Teachers. Languages, 2022, 7, 162. doi.org/10.3390/languages7030162
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Weltgen, Julia. "Inclusive and fair assessment in foreign language education: The role of fundamental attribution error in the evaluation of students’ performance". International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2022, 3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2022.100160
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna, Czura, Anna, Kramer, Christian & Stefl, Martin. "Interculturality and professional identity: Exploring the potential of telecollaboration in foreign language teacher education". Interculturality and the English Language Classroom, edited by Mabel Victoria and Chittima Sangiamchit, 2021, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna, Kramer, Christian, Czura, Anna & Stefl, Martin. "The formation of professional identity and motivation to engage in telecollaboration in foreign language education". European Journal of Language Policy, 2019, 11(2), 2019, 143–165. doi.org/10.3828/ejlp.2019.10
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Czura, Anna. "Student teachers’ intrinsic motivation during short-term teacher training workshop". Language, Culture and Curriculum, 2017, 30. https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2016.1251942
Edited volumes and monographs
- Doff, Sabine & Pfingsthorn, Joanna (eds.). Media Meets Diversity @ School: Wie kann Lernen und Lehren in der digitalen Welt unter den Vorzeichen von Diversit?t gelingen? Trier: WVT, 2020.
- Giesler, Tim and Pfingsthorn, Joanna (eds.). Masters of Reflective Practice. Abschlussarbeiten in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Studien zur Fremdsprachendidaktik und Spracherwerbsforschung vol. 15, WVT, 2020.
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "Variability in learner errors as a reflection of the CLT paradigm shift". Fremdsprachendidaktik inhlats- und lernerorientiert. Peter Lang, 2013.
Further selected articles:
Go?mez-Parra, Mari?a-Elena, Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Weltgen, Julia. "V:InD:O:W - Inclusion from an international perspective". In Pixel (eds.). Innovation in Language Learning. Conference Proceedings 2022. Bologna: Filodiritto.
Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "Practice escaping an ideological grip: How the CLT agenda slipped through the cracks of error taxonomies". In Sabine Doff & Richard Smith (eds.). Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives (= Languages and Culture in History series). 2022. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Weltgen Julia & Pfingsthorn, Joanna. Inclusive Foreign Language Assessment in Trying Times: Pre-service Teachers’ Attribution Mechanisms and Their Implications for Inclusive Emergency Remote Teaching, The European Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2021.31
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Giesler, Tim. “Specific preferences vs. inclusive foreign language education: (Pre-service) teachers' implicit attitudes towards varieties of English.” Pluricentric Languages amd Language Education. Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, edited by Marcus Callies and Stefanie Hehner. Routledge Research in Language Education, 2022, Routledge.
- Giesler, Tim & Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "Anbahnung autonomem Lehrerhandelns durch Elemente Forschenden Studierens". Masters of Reflective Practice. Abschlussarbeiten in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. 2020, Trier: WVT.
- Niesen, Heike & Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "Forschendes Studieren in der Lehrerbildung". Masters of Reflective Practice. Abschlussarbeiten in der Fremdsprachendidaktik, edited by Tim Giesler and Joanna Pfingsthorn. 2020, Trier: WVT.
- Pfingsthorn, Joanna. "What are language errors?". Die Gro?e Frage, edited by Sabine Doff, Tim Giesler und Mareike T?dter. 2019, Trier: WVT.
Recent conference and guest talks
- February 2023: V Second Language Learning and Disabilities Conference. "Inclusion in (foreign language) teacher education: Designing and evaluating open educational resources focusing on the autism spectrum" (with Julia Weltgen).
- November 2022: das KALEI?-Handlungsfeld 'Sprache(n) im Fachunterricht' Kolloquium in Halle. "Inklusiver UND kommunikativer Fremdsprachenunterricht: Latente Widersprüche und praktische Fragestellungen". (invited talk)
- February 2022: IV Second Language Learning and Disabilities Conference. ?Reflections on implicit bias in inclusive foreign language education: pre-service teachers’ reactions to an implicit association test (IAT)“ (with Ana Rovai).
- January 2022: Developing skills and assessing students‘ work in an online environment: the added value of international projects - Conference at the Budpest Business School. ?TEACUP Teacher – Culture – Pluri: Insights from the project“.
- January 2022: The 7th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Honolulu 2022. ?The Empirical Strikes Back: Multi-sensory implementation of scientific thinking into language teacher education“ (with Tim Giesler).
- December 2021: Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht - Conference at the KU Eichst?tt-Ingosltadt. ?Inklusion im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht“ (with Julia Weltgen).
- September 2021: XIV Convegno CIRSIL: Gli insegnamenti linguistici tra didattica e ideologia. ?To err is… what exactly? Ideology and the construct of errors in the CLT era" (with Sabine Doff).
- July 2021: Foreign languages in special education - Conference at the Arsitotle University of Thessaloniki. "Inclusive foreign language teaching: attribution and assessment“ (invited talk, with Julia Weltgen).
- July 2021: The 9th European Conference on Education (ECE 2021). "Inclusive Foreign Language Assessment in Trying Times: Pre-service Teachers’ Attribution Mechanisms and Their Implications for Inclusive Emergency Remote Teaching" (with Julia Weltgen).
- May 2021: ATEE one-day Conference: Teaching Languages Post-Covidly. "Flexible alienation and effective frustration: Pre-service foreign language teachers on their education during the COVID-19 crisis" (with Tim Giesler).
- February 2021: 1. Bremer Vernetzungsforum - Vernetzte Zukunft – Zukünftige Vernetzung. Inklusive Bildung und Digitalit?t, Bremen, ?Forschung hilft: Potenziale inklusiver Unterstützung im Unterricht durch etablierte Forschungsinstrumente und -methoden“ (with Julia Weltgen).
- Febraury 2021: 1. Bremer Vernetzungsforum - Vernetzte Zukunft – Zukünftige Vernetzung. Inklusive Bildung und Digitalit?t, Bremen: ?Medienverfügbarkeit und digitale Lernangebote“ (with Julia Weltgen und Lisa Schüler).
- February 2021: From Exclusion to Community - Lehren und Lernen in pandemischen Zeiten (online): ?Wenn man nicht kommunizieren kann... Potenziale eines inklusiven, digitalen Englischunterrichts“ (with Julia Weltgen).
- February 2021: From Exclusion to Community - Lehren und Lernen in pandemischen Zeiten (online), : ?... und sie lernen doch! Englischlehrerbildung in Zeiten der Pandemie“ (with Tim Giesler).
- February 2021: III Second Language Learning and Disabilities Conference, Boston: “Inclusive communicative language teaching: hidden contradictions and overt practical issues” (with Ana Rovai).
- December 2020: virtual guest talk at the KU Eichtst?tt-Ingolstadt: ?Ich sehe was, was Du nicht bist! Beurteilung von Lernprozessergebnissen von (angehenden) Lehrkr?ften im Kontext des inklusiven Fremdsprachenunterrichts der Sekundarstufe I“ (with Julia Weltgen).
- December 2020: In Education WE trust? Vertrauen in Bildung und Bildugsmedien, Georg Eckert Institut/Leibniz Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig: ?(Dis-)trust in assessment: How fundamental attribution error can threaten fair evaluation in inclusive foreign language education“.
- September 2020: Plurizentrische Sprachen und Fremdsprachenunterricht - Implikationen für eine reflektierte Handlungspraxis in Schule, Hochschule und LehrerInnenausbildung, Bremen: ?Specific preferences vs. inclusive foreign language education: (pre-service) teachers’ implicit attitudes towards varieties of English” (with Tim Giesler).
- May 2020: Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) - Sustainability and Ethics in Teacher Education and Education Policy, Helsinki, Mai 2020: “Fair assessment in inclusive foreign language (teacher) education: The role of fundamental attribution error in diagnostic processes” (with Julia Weltgen).
- February 2020: Inklusionsforscher*innen Tagung (IFO), Wien: ?Zug?nge zu (fremdspachlichen) Welten – Attribution und Kompetenzvermittlung im inklusiven Unterricht“ (with Julia Weltgen).
- November 2019: Valorizing Practice - Grounded Histories of Language Learning and Teaching, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst: “The (notorious) CLT paradigm shift vs. the learned/tested curriculum”.