Il-LINGWA TAG?NA - Our Language

Il-LINGWA TAG?NA – Our language is the companion series of the journal ILSIENNA. Like the journal, IL-LINGWA TAG?NA is published under the auspices of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics.

The companion series publishes monographs and collections of articles including festschrifts and memorial volumes as well as outstanding MA and PhD theses dedicated to all kinds of topics which are highly relevant to our understanding of the Maltese language and the linguistic landscape of Malta and its sister islands. The philosophy of G?ILM is to impose no restrictions as to theory and methodology of the contributions provided the submitted manuscripts meet the standards of the discipline involved.

The editors of IL-LINGWA TAG?NA select the material according to the highest standards of our discipline. Submitted manuscripts are regularly peer-reviewed. The languages of publication are English (preferred), French, German, Italian and Maltese. All publications are accompanied by an abstract in English and a Maltese translation thereof. The companion series appears in variable intervals and different sizes. The first volume of IL-LINGWA TAG?NA is scheduled for first quarter 2009. The prices for each volume are individual. Members of G?ILM are entitled to a 30% reduction.

IL-LINGWA TAG?NA hija s-serje li takkumpanja l-?urnal ILSIENNA. B?all-?urnal, is-serje “IL-LINGWA TAG?NA ti?i ppubblikata ta?t il-patro?inju tal-G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija.

F’din is-serje ji?u ppubblikati monografiji u kollezzjonijiet ta’ artikli inklu?i pubblikazzjonijiet onorarji (“festschrifts”) u volumi memorjali kif ukoll te?ijiet tal-MA u tal-PhD e??ezzjonali ddedikati g?al kull tip ta’ su??ett li huma rilevanti ?afna biex nifhmu l-lingwa Maltija u l-pajsa?? lingwistiku tal-??ejjer Maltin. Il-filosofija tal-G?ILM hi li ma timponi l-ebda restrizzjoni fuq it-teorija u l-metodolo?ija tal-kontribuzzjonijiet sakemm il-manuskritti mressqa jkunu jil?qu l-istandards tad-dixxiplina kkon?ernata.

L-edituri tas-serje “IL-LINGWA TAG?NA” jag??lu l-materjal skont l-aktar standards g?oljin tad-dixxiplina tag?na. Il-manuskritti li nir?ievu ji?u rreveduti regolarment minn esperti ugwali fil-qasam. Il-lingwi ta’ pubblikazzjoni huma l-Ingli? (ippreferut), il-Fran?i?, il-?ermani?, it-Taljan u l-Malti. Il-pubblikazzjonijiet kollha jkunu akkumpanjati minn sommarju bl-Ingli? u traduzzjoni tieg?u bil-Malti. Is-serje li takkumpanja l-?urnal to?ro? minn ?mien g?al ?mien f’daqsijiet differenti. L-ewwel volum ta’ “IL-LINGWA TAG?NA” ?are? fl-ewwel kwart tal-2009. Il-prezz ta’ kull volum ivarja minn volum g?all-ie?or. Il-Membri tal-G?ILM huma intitolati g?al skont ta’ 30 % fuq dan il-prezz.

Editor in chief / EditurThomas Stolz
Editorial assistant / Assistent EditurConny Stroh
Review editor / Editur Revi?urJoseph Brincat
Editorial board / Bord EditorjaliBernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Beth Hume, Manwel Mifsud, Martine Vanhove
Advisory board / Bord KonsultattivAlbert Borg, Antoinette Camilleri-Grima, Sandro Caruana, Martin Haspelmath, Mauro Tosco, Adam Ussishkin
Publisher / PubblikaturUniversit?tsverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer
Postfach 10 04 28
D-44704 Bochum